I have met thousands of women and men who are looking for careers that allow them to meet the immediate or projected demands of their lives. They are also looking for work that has value. Their enthusiasm is directly tied to their personality, interest, work values, financial goals or even skill set.
The list changes regularly due to our changing economy. My top picks are based on strong national job outlook and flexibility to do the work with a family, through illness or while caring for someone. Each career has decent earning potential and will utilizes and develops your transferable skills for that next opportunity. Each job is linked to a reputable resource that will provide more info in detail.
Visit our Facebook Page for job listings.
Here are my votes for some of the top 2016 mom and dad careers/jobs:
SKILLS - Skills required/acquired/developed while working this job
OUTLK - National Job Outlook
EDREQ - Minimum Education Required
SAL - Salary (Average Full-Time)
LOC - Remote/Part Time
- Personal Financial Planners
SKILLS - Data Analysis, People Skills, Enterprising, Problem Solving, Listening
OUTLK- 30%+
EDREQ - BS & On the Job Training
SAL (full-time) - 75k
LOC - Remote, Part-Time, Full-Time - Recruiter (Executive, Specialty, General)
SKILLS - Selecting Highly Productive Employees, Assessing Needs, Detail Oriented, Prioritizing Competing Demands
OUTLK - 5-9%
SAL - 52k
LOC - Remote, Part-Time, Contract - Sonographers (also consider Radiologic Technologist & Computer Tomography)
SKILLS - Results Driven, Investigative, Precise, Product/Equipment Knowledge, Good Judgement, Work Quickly
OUTLK - 29%
SAL - 63k
LOC - Part-Time, Full-Time - Medical Records Technician/Manager
SKILLS - Organized, Accuracy, Calming Agitated Patients/Customers, Research, Analytical Computer/Technology
OUTLK - 20%
EDREQ - Certification (RHIT)
SAL - ~35k
LOC - Onsite/Full-Time but set hours - Interpreters/Translators/Linguists
SKILLS - Collaborating, Accuracy, Neutral, Public Speaking, Professional, Listening
OUTLK - 29%
EDREQ - BS, On the Job Training
SAL - 44k
LOC - Part-Time, Full-Time, Contract - Occupational Aides/Assistants/Therapists
SKILLS - Technology, Quick Assessment of Situation, Resourceful, Problem Solving related to people, Social Perceptiveness, Great Communication, Physical Strength
OUTLK - 40%
EDREQ - CNA, Reabilitation Course, OTJ, Assoc, BS
SAL - 58k
LOC - Part-Time, Full-Time, Opportunity to Travel - Web Developers/Graphic Design
SKILLS - Evaluation, Problem Solving related to Complete Tasks/Goals, Creative/Artistic, Teamwork, Detailed Oriented
OUTLK - 27%
EDREQ - Assoc in Web Design
SAL - 64k
LOC - Remote, Part-Time, Full-Time, Contract - IT/Cyber Security - Featured in the next post